A1 Theme—Jesus will build His church
A2 Objectives
B1 Describe Saul’s conversion.
B2 Contrast Saul/Paul before and after his conversion.
A3 Scriptures
B1 Acts 8:1-3—Saul starts persecution of God’s people
B2 Acts 9:1-33—Saul’s conversion
B3 1 Timothy 1:13—Characteristics of Saul/Paul pre-conversion
B4 1 Corinthians 15:9—Paul’s past
B5 2 Corinthians 5:17—Paul’s grief
B6 Galatians 1:10-17—A summary of Paul’s life
A4 Notes
B1 Acts 8:1-3—Start of persecution
C1 Saul
C2 Persecution of Jerusalem church
C3 Most scattered throughout a wide area
C4 Stephen buried and mourned
C5 Saul is successful at arresting men and women and bringing them to prison
B2 Acts 9:1-33Saul’s conversion
C1 Traveling to Damascus
C2 Jesus’s message to Saul.
C3 Jesus’s instructions to Saul.
C4 Jesus’s instructions to Ananias
C5 Saul preaches
C6 Saul persecuted
C7 Saul escapes
C8 Saul goes to Jerusalem where he is persecuted and sent away by the brethren
B3 1 Timothy 1:13—Personal characteristics of Saul/Paul pre-conversion
B4 1 Corinthians 15:9—Paul’s view and grief from his past.
B5 Galatians 1:10-17—A summary of Paul’s life
C1 How he learned the correct Gospel
C2 His life as a dedicated Pharisee
D1 Persecutor of Christians
D2 Further advanced than most of his age in
E1 Zeal
E2 Education
C3 How God brought about his salvation
D1 Chosen
E1 This is by foreknowledge Romans 8:29-30, 1 Peter 1:2
E2 Foreknowledge is knowing beforehand, before it happens. Foreknowledge is NOT God’s decree. Some believe that in essence God decreed everything that comes about and has a very good memory, so it is perfect. This definition is not foreknowledge that God truly knows the future. Yes, God is that type of being that truly knows the future. God does, however, predestinate, preordain, some things that will happen as in the case of Jesus being the Messiah and would die as the Passover Lamb.
D2 Here it is most reasonable to understand that God know Paul would believe and initiated salvation, open his eyes and heart to the truth and knew that Paul would believe and trust in Jesus Christ.
C4 “…set me apart…”
D1 Truly knowing the future that Paul would believe, God then chose Paul to be the missionary Apostle to the Gentiles.
D2 Compare Jeremiah 1:5, Acts 13:2, etc.
C5 “…called me by His grace…”
D1 The Greek word for called is kaleō and means an invitation.
D2 The Greek word for grace is charis and means something that is not deserved or earned. It is something that is pleasing and delightful.
D3 God did not have to do this; He wanted to do this. Most do not respond with faith.
C6 The three years in Arabia, of which we know little.
A5 Questions
B1 Who is left in Jerusalem? (Apostles and a few others) Why?
B2 Where was the persecution started? (Jerusalem)
B3 Where were the believers scattered? (Though out Judea and Samaria)
B4 Is this soft or hard persecution? (Hard) What is the difference? Have you ever experienced persecution?
C1 Soft
D1 Loss of job
D2 Loss of educational opportunities
D3 Financial loss
D4 Ignoring
C2 Hard
D1 Death
D2 Rape
D3 Burning and loss of house/possessions
D4 Imprisonment
D5 Torture
B5 What is the motivation for persecuting? (Jealousy, hate, pride, etc.)
B6 What is Saul going to Damascus? (He wanted even more imprisonments)
B7 Who is agreeing with his travels? (High priest)
B8 Where on the journey did Paul have this experience? (As they drew close to Damascus). Why there?
B9 What was the first thing that happened? (Bright light)
B10 What was the next thing that happened? (Jesus’s voice)
B11 What did Jesus say to Saul?
B12 Did Saul answer Jesus’s question? (No) What did he say to Jesus? (Who are you Lord?)
B13 What did Jesus answer?
B14 What did the others traveling with Saul hear? (Voice) Did they understand what was being said? (No)
B15 What was the first proof Saul had repented?
C1 Did not go to synagogues.
C2 Did not arrest anyone.
C3 Obeyed Jesus’s command.
B16 Was his response faith of works? (Faith to believe and works proving his faith)
B17 Was Ananias excited about what Jesus wanted him to do? (No, but he did it anyway)
B18 How does the actions of Saul and Ananias apply to us?
B19 What were the things that Ananias to tell Saul?
C1 Go to Judas’ house and talk to Saul
C2 Saul is a chosen instrument of mine
C3 To tell/teach about Jesus to Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel
C4 How much he is to suffer because of Jesus’s name
C5 Pray for Saul’s healing
B20 How did Saul respond?
C1 Talked to Ananias
C2 Allowed Ananias to pray for him
C3 Was baptized
C4 Ate food
B21 What is filled with the Spirit?
C1 All Christians have the Holy Spirit
D1 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.
(Romans 8:9 EMTV)
D2 And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”
(Galatians 4:6 EMTV)
C2 Filled is empowerment to do God’s will
B22 What were Saul/Paul’s personal characteristics pre-conversion?
C1 Blasphemer
D1 How did Paul blaspheme? (Wrong concept of God and God’s will)
D2 What commandment did Paul break? (3rd”You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (Exodus 20:7 NKJV)
C2 Persecutor
C3 Insolent, that is, verbal abusive, bully, insulter, etc.
B23 Did Paul think he was worthy to be an Apostle? (No, 1 Corinthians 15:9)
B24 Why did Paul still grieve over his pre-conversion activities.
B25 How can we know and learn the correct Gospel? (The Apostles—including Paul—were taught by Jesus himself).
B26 What is most impressive about Saul/Paul’s conversion?
B27 Can even the most evil person be forgiven and regenerated?
Posted by Choco at 16:01 27 May 15
Saul Is Converted
Labels: Paul, Saul, changed life