Sermon Outline James Chapter 1
I won’t be teaching Sunday School for a while because I resigned from teaching, so I thought I would post some sermon outlines I have done over the years.
The Epistle of James will be looked at for a few weeks.
Living the Christian Life
A1 Introduction
A2 Testing/Temptation
A3 Conversation
A4 Brothers/sisters
A5 Good works/Faith
A6 Self-control in speech
A7 World view: World or Heaven’s
A8 Rich people
A9 Preparation for the Lord Jesus’ coming
A1 Introduction
B1 Self-description
C1 Servant of God
C2 Servant of Lord Jesus Christ
B2 Writing to the 12 tribes of Israel (the Christian, believing Jews, but it is applicable to all of us)
A2 Testing/Temptation (these are the trials of the Christian faith; but may refer to the solicitation to sin, which is a trial)
B1 Attitude in: Joy
C1 Joy = cheerfulness, calmly happy
D1 An opportunity to see firsthand God’s help in trouble
D2 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Romans 5:3 NLT
C3 This world/life is one of trouble for the world is curses because of sin
C4 Testing/Temptation comes in many different forms
D1 Spiritual temptation: to deny Christ, to make someone bitter and blame God, etc.
D2 Emotional: to depression, to be led astray by “voices” (in reality, demonic influence)
D3 Physical: to seek pleasure, appetites, food, sleep, sex, money
D4 The three most popular gods in the world: Honors, Riches, and Pleasures
C4 References:
D1 Matthew 5:11 Happy are ye when men shall revile and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.
E1 Comment: This is a temptation to leave the faith and deny Christ.
D2 1 Peter 1:6-7 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith-more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire-may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
E1 Comment: The results and rewards are when Jesus returns.
B2 V2: Works Patience
C1 Happily awaiting deliverance, thus a test of faith. This is a showing of faith and hope. Faith = “God will deliver me.” Hope = “I hope it will be today.”
C2 Don’t get in a hurry.
C3 God has a purpose for waiting to deliver James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.
C4 James 1:4 Endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete, and you won’t need anything.
B3 Wisdom: lack wisdom; don’t know what to do; unsure of everything? Pray for wisdom. God will not belittle us for asking. There are no stupid questions. 1:5
B4 Prayer: in faith (God can do this). V6-8
B5 Be glad if you’re poor V9-11
C1 Riches can disappear quickly.
C2 Don’t put your trust in riches.
C3 This is a temptation, for we should put our trust in God, himself.
B6 A reward for endurance: the crown of life. V12
B7 God does not tempt people. 1:13-15
C1 The principle of sin is in us.
C2 That principle is “Everything is for my comfort and pleasure.”
C3 The cure
D1 Repent and trust in the Lord Jesus who suffered for our sins and paid our penalty
D2 Humility: God help me
B8 Our anger does not the will of God. 1:20
C1 Anger often comes from bitterness from injustice
C2 We seek revenge
C3 Need to forgive
D1 Forgiveness does not mean that God lets them off the hook
D2 It means to turn the person, situation, to God to deal with it
E1 That person may repent
E2 You can have peace and rest
B9 Stop sinning. (God help us). 1:21
C1 The word “lay apart” means put or lay aside and leave it.
C2 Submit, that is, God’s way is the right way, and I will do it with the help of God.
C3 “Engrafted” Implanted might mean Gospel, so it brings salvation, but it could also mean a remembering of a Bible verse applicable to the present situation, which if we obey, we will be delivered.
C4 Another version James 1:21 GNB So get rid of every filthy habit and all wicked conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you.
D1 God implants a verse from the Bible in our mind. “Ah, that verse—O yes, I remember.”
D2 We obey that Bible verse (with discernment).
D3 We will have deliverance.
B10 If only a hearer of the Bible, then it is nothing. It is the doer who is doing the will of God. 1:21
B11 One test of a true Christian 1:22-27
C1 Mouth control
C2 Visiting the needy, the fatherless and the widow.
Posted by Choco in 2018 at 13:02
Labels: James, Testing, Wisdom