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Hebrews 3:1-6 My Translation and Notes

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Moses to any serious Jew was a position of greatest honor. As great as Moses was, whom the Lord conversed with face to face, there is someone greater. Moses even wrote about him—Deuteronomy 18:15 NLT  Moses continued, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.

Moses was faithful in serving God and God’s house (the Tabernacle and people). Jesus is faithful to His own house—believers in Jesus.

My translation and notes on Hebrews 3:1-6

Jesus Is Superior to Moses

1 As a result, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our common confession, Christ Jesus.

[This letter is written to believers. The recipients are called holy brethren (the Lord Jesus is our brother because of the work and will of our Savior—Hebrews 2:11-12) and partakers of the heavenly calling. The Greek word for ‘partakers’ is μέτοχος métochos (G3353). It means partners (Luke 5:7) and those who are joined in something to be sharers of that one thing. Here, it is in salvation provided by the Lord Jesus plus we are members of the heavenly family. See Hebrews 1:9, Hebrews 3:14, Hebrews 6:4, and Hebrews 12:8. Compare Romans 11:17 (different Greek word), Romans 15:27 (different Greek word), 1 Corinthians 10:17 (same word but verb), and 1 Peter 5:1 (different Greek word). The Greek word for ‘consider’ is κατανοέω katanoéō (2675). It means to use one’s mind to analyze what is being looked at. It is a thinking process, not just blind faith. All believers have this is common—Christ Jesus. He is the Apostle (the highest authority who is sent from heaven—John 3:17, Hebrews 8:6, Hebrews 9:15, and Hebrews 12:24) and High Priest (the mediator between God and humans—1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:6, John 10:36, and John 20:21; High Priest—Romans 5:1-2, Ephesians 2:18, and later throughout Hebrews)].

2 He was faithful to him who appointed him, just like Moses [was faithful] in all of God’s house.

[The Greek word for ‘faithful’ is πιστός pistós (G4103). It means of persons who show themselves faithful in the transaction of business, the execution of commands, or the discharge of official duties—Thayer. See Deuteronomy 18:15-18 and John 6:28-30. Jesus fulfilled His mission perfectly. All that He was given to do, He did. See Luke 24:44].

3 But this man is entitled to greater glory than Moses, in the same way as one who builds the house has greater honor than the house.

[The Greek word for ‘glory’ is δόξα dóxa (G1391). According to TDNTa, this word means ‘opinion’, but the term has faded from use, then ‘repute’ (1 Thessalonians 2:6), and finally ‘splendor’ (Matthew 6:29, Matthew 16:17, and Matthew 24:30). The Jews held Moses in very high esteem (Numbers 12:6-7), yet Jesus deserves much more glory. He is eternal, without beginning, sinless, worshiped, savior, creator, authority, power, the express and exact image of the Father. Barclay (beware) writes in (BARCLAY DAILY STUDY BIBLE): Now the point of the argument in Numbers is that Moses differs from all the prophets. To them God makes himself known in a vision; to Moses he speaks “mouth to mouth.” To the Jew it would have been impossible to conceive that anyone ever stood closer to God than Moses did, and yet that is precisely what the writer of the Hebrews sets out to prove].

4 For every house is built by someone, but he who built everything is God.

5 Truly Moses was faithful as a servant in all of God’s house as a witness for those things spoken about later,

[See Numbers 12:7

6 But Christ [was faithful] as a son over his own house. We are his house, if we tightly hold on to our boldness and rejoicing of hopeN3 firmly to the end.

[Moses got his instructions and teaching from the Creator. Jesus is the Creator and needs no one to instruct Him. Jesus has omniscience and omnisapient. Compare 1 Corinthians 2:13-16. The writer identifies who is ‘his house.’ It is those who believe in Jesus and His gospel. Compare 1 Timothy 3:15 and 1 Peter 2:4-5. There is a conditional component for us to remain faithful. We are saved by grace along through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. We are again reminded of Jeremy Taylor’s (1613-67) description of the downward progress of the apostate: “First it startles him, then it becomes pleasing, then delightful, then frequent, then habitual, then confirmed; then the man is impenitent, then obstinate, then resolved never to repent, then damned.” (Strong, Systematic Theology, 651) [I could not find the source of this quote, so beware]. Also, consider: Eternal Security & Exegetical Overview of the Book of Hebrews by Dr James M Leonard].

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