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1 Timothy 2:8-15

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Paul now instructs Timothy about the believers in the congregation.

My notes and translation of 1 Timothy 2:8-15

Encourage Members

8 Therefore, I want men to pray wherever they are, lifting holy hands without anger and doubt.

[The men of the church (believers) are being addressed. Starting in verse 9 the women are addressed. These verses are referring to public worship. When men are praying in public, they need to have holy hands. Contrast these instructions with the all-too-common churches whose leadership covers up sin. Some sins include actions in public and private that are abusive, bullying behaviors, grooming, doctrinal doubts, and other such unholy actions. Paul exposes these actions as wrong. Prayers can take place in homes, in public spaces, in businesses, etc., but when men pray, they are to have holy hands. What person would approach the nation’s highest leader with manure on their hands? No one. We are praying to the King of the Universe. See Malachi 1:8. The Greek word for ‘anger’ is ὀργή orgḗ (G3709). It means anger, not plain anger but passionate anger. See Matthew 3:7 (John the Baptist) and John 3:36 (God). Note that OFTEN this type of anger is not justified or reasonable. Reasonable anger would be after knowing the facts, the issues, the people with examination in order to know the truth and to compare that information to a standard (God’s rules in the Bible are His standards). Compare Proverbs 18:17. There is anger that is reasonable (Mark 3:5 and Romans 13:4). The Greek word for ‘doubt’ is διαλογισμός dialogismós (G1261). It means our inward thoughts, thinking, and used in various contexts. In our passage and Luke 24:38, it means reasoning that gives rise to uncertainty, doubt (BDAG). See Mark 7:21, Luke 2:35, 5:22, 6:8, 1 Corinthians 3:20, and James 2:4 for some different uses. Here, doubt has the idea of prayer to be speaking into the air or just ritual. Prayers with doubts include even having thoughts as, “Why pray, what good does it do?” instead of understanding that prayer is having a real conversation with our God].

9 Likewise, that women dress themselves in modest clothes, inclined to avoid notice, and be in self-control, not with embroidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothes,

[The word ‘modest’ does not refer to how much skin is covered, etc. This is a warning against flamboyant dress. Flamboyant means being very confident in your behavior, and liking to be noticed by other people, for example because of the way you dress, talk, etc.—Cambridge Dictionary Online. The Greek word for ‘modest’ is (G2887) κόσμιος kosmios. It means respectable, honorable, and appropriate].

10 But with what is proper for women professing godliness along with good works.

[Paul refers to motivation and attitudes which express themselves through godly character traits rather than outward show].

11 Let a woman learn quietly in humble gentleness.

[Paul is referring to an issue in this local church, not every woman. Evidently, some of these women were argumentative and interrupting the worship time. Humble gentleness is something every human (male and female) must live daily. God helps us to do so. The opposite of humble gentleness is a controlling bully].

12 Now, I do not allow a woman to teach or domineer a man but to be quiet,

13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

14 Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in transgression.

[Both sinned. Eve was honest, told the facts, and faced the consequences of her sin. The curse did not come on creation because of Eve. Adam attempted to cover up his sin, blamed Eve, then blamed God. He refused to acknowledge his sin. The curse came on creation because of Adam’s sin. See Romans 5:12-15 and 1 Corinthians 15:21. Why did God allow sin? It was a test of loyalty, love, and faith (believing) God. Most people are tested. See Matthew 4:1 (Jesus) and Judges 2:21-23 (nation of Israel). Compare James 1:2-4 and Psalm 66:10. Failing a test does not mean a total failure. God will and can still use us if we repent. Compare Peter in Matthew 26:34-35 and Matthew 26:69-75].

15 Nevertheless, she will be saved through the childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self-control.

[See here for 7-minute explanation].

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