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Some Teaching and Applications About Light in the New Testament

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Matthew 4:12-17 (TCENT) Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee. 13 And leaving Nazareth, he went and dwelt at Capernaum by the sea, in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali, 14 so that what had been spoken by Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled: 15 “Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, 16 the people sitting in darkness have seen a great light, and on those sitting in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.”

 Light refers to 

    1. A dispeller of darkness (in this passage referring to John the Baptist), a witness for God—Matthew 5:14-16
    2. An illustration of entrance to the soul—Matthew 6:22-23
    3. To describe the glory of God. God’s light is a special type only existent with God, Himself—Matthew 17:2
    4. Exposes what is hidden; be it sin, troubles, sorrow, etc.—Mark 4:22
    5. Preaching the Gospel; in this passage referring, it is specifically, John the Baptist’s preaching—Luke 1:79-80
    6. Simeon, as a prophet, speaks of the infant Lord Jesus as the light (revealer of God’s truth and Gospel) for two reasons (to present His character and ways to the Gentiles and to be the glory (rejoicing) of Israel—Luke 2:30-32
    7. Deceiving light, that is, someone thinks they have light but do not—Luke 11:35
    8. God knows everything, including the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12), so all will come to light, that is, be announced at judgment time—Luke 12:2-3
    9. The Lord Jesus has the attribute of life itself; only God has this attribute. This “life,” Jesus Christ, is the light for humanity. He is the ONLY one to have this life light—John 1:5 and John 5:26
    10. The light from God, Jesus Christ, cannot be overcome or hindered by the darkness—John 1:5
    11. This “light” is the message and revelations of Jesus and His teachings. This is not effective for just the elect but for all humans—John 1:8-9
    12. Darkness is the principle and actions of evil. The human nature, soul does not naturally accept it, because it reveals our sin (thoughts, desires, words, and deeds)—John 3:19-21
    13. God, here Jesus Christ, has no/none darkness—1 John 1:5
    14. Since the Lord Jesus is the light bringing the pure, 100% truth to every human, what an individual does with that truth affects a persons life—John 3:21
    15. Anyone who does respond, accepting God’s grace, will follow Jesus (His teaching, worldview, lifestyle (godliness), and rules)—John 8:12
    16. Where Jesus is, there is light—John 9:5
    17. It is believing, placing faith, in Jesus Christ alone (Acts 4:12)—John 12:46
    18. God’s reveals HIs light to individuals as illustrated in the conversion of Saul, later known as Paul the Apostle—Acts 9:3
    19. Paul, and any Christian preaching the Gospel, preaches the “Light”—Acts 13:47 and Acts 26:18
    20. We are told to remove and dispose of the weapons of darkness and to use the weapons of light. In this, truth is the greatest weapon. THE truth is the greatest weapon. This truth is the Scriptures—Romans 13:12
    21. Even if THE light (the truth of the Gospel) is preached, the devil does have the ability to blind the minds of nonbelievers—2 Corinthians 4:4. He does this by some type/form of diversion—lies, drawing attention to something else, introducing thoughts into the mind, present some fleshly desire, etc.
    22. God is THE one and only initiator of light into any human—2 Corinthians 4:6
    23. Light (the work of God in our lives regenerating us as a result of our belief in Jesus Christ and His message) has no fellowship or any in common with unbelievers. Thus, we must avoid the closest types of human companionship (marriage, church affiliation, business partnerships, etc.). See 2 Corinthians 6:14
    24. Satan can deceive people by masquerading as an angel of lights. His agents, ministers, etc. also do so—2 Corinthians 11:14-15
    25. Since we are children of Light, that is, born again, we are to live our life in holiness (as taught in the New Testament)—Ephesians 5:18
    26. Our lives are light-bearers to an unbelieving world—Philippians 2:15
    27. Heaven, in God’s presence, we will have our eternal life and inheritance in the Kingdom of Light—Colossians 1:2
    28. God’s light, Himself, is so brilliant that no human on earth is able to see and live if we were to see it—1 Timothy 6:16
    29. Christians must walk, that is live our lives in our thoughts, desires, words, and deeds, in God’s light, in order to have fellowship with God. This does NOT mean sinlessness. 1 John 1:7
    30. It is a test, an examination, for checking that our faith is true and judging another (be careful!)—1 John 2:9

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