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Brief Summary of Paul’s Letter to the Roman Believers Part 2

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Paul is writing to predominately Gentile Christians, since, apparently, all Jews were banned from Romans and forced to leave.

Romans 1-8 Paul explains the doctrine of soteriology

Part 2

Romans 4

Romans 4 Paul elaborates about faith.

    • Verses 1-12 teach that faith is NOT a work (verses 3 and 9). Abraham is the example who believed which resulted in God reckoning Abraham righteousness (Romans 4:3 and Genesis 12:3). His was declared righteous was before circumcision (the Law does not save). Without the shedding of blood there is no redemption (Hebrews 9:12-22). Since Abraham believed before being circumcised, he is also the “father of them who believe” whether Jew or Gentile.
    • Verses 13-25: Faith IS the most important to God—Romans 4:13 (BSB) For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world was not given through the law, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.” Righteousness, as illustrated by Abraham’s life, is the for all today—Messiah-Jesus truly died, buried, bodily resurrected, and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Paul summaries: Romans 4:24-25 (LHB) But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe in him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.

Romans 5

    • Verses 1-2: Three blessings of faith (believing in Jesus alone for forgiveness) are given—1) peace with God, 2) access to God (prayer, fellowship, etc.), and 3) hope.
    • Verses 3-5 shows the steps God uses to educate and grow us into maturity.
    • Verses 6-7 explain we were enemies that Messiah died for and the greatness of His sacrifice. All humans are enemies from conception to death unless God would intervene, which He does seeking to save those who are lost and wanting all to believe.
    • Verses 8-11 teach 1) God’s love for sinners by giving them an opportunity to believe and be saved from God’s wrath, 2) our reconciliation to God for fellowship, and 3) rejoicing in our God for the Lord Jesus.
    • Verses 12-14 give the summary of how one man’s (Adam) sin brought a sin nature to all people through Adam, which is why Jesus’s virgin birth is important (Jesus didn’t receive a sin nature from Adam because Jesus’s Father is God). Also, Jesus Christ is the one man through whom any human can be justified by faith.
    • Verse 15 states clearly that believing in Jesus alone brings us the  free gift of salvation. 
    • Verses 16-21 is a further teaching about one man (Adam) introduced sin into the world and one man (Jesus Christ) brought salvation.

Romans 6

Romans 6 is addressed to believers that since Christ payed the penalty for our sin, we are now to live a holy life pleasing the Lord. We were slaves to sin, addicted without any hope or deliverance. Now, we are to be slaves to righteousness glorifying God. Part of this is due to the fact that we died with Christ, buried with Christ, and resurrected with Christ which is illustrated by our water baptism. Addiction to sin is gone because “Romans 6:7 (LHB) For he who is dead is freed from sin.” Then consequences of sin are things to be ashamed of and will be punished (verse 23). Since the consequences of sin make God angry, we need to live a Christian life. The gift refers to salvation, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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