Ecclesiastes 7:3 (NKJV) Sorrow is better than laughter, for by a sad countenance the heart is made better.
Sorrow (grief) does have a place and message in life.
- It is reality we have to face.
- It is a time and motive to pray.
- It is a listening to one who is sorrowing.
- It is reflection about our life.
- It can be a blessing, because some losses open new opportunities.
- It is a time to prioritize what is most important.
- It is a time to lay down our pride and ask for help.
- It is an opportunity to examine the good things we do have.
- It is a time to let others help us.
- It is an opportunity to comfort others who might be experiencing something similar.
- It is a time to pray for God’s leading.
- It is a time to see the importance of being friends and family is more important than squabbles.