Ephesians 4:1-3
Verses 1-6 are 3 sentences. We will deal with the first 3 verses.
First, Paul declares himself to be a prisoner on account of being a Christian (of the Lord). He pleads for the believers to walk worthy (up to God’s standards) of the calling (invitation from the Holy Spirit) with which you were called (they responded in faith, so past tense). He pleads for them to have particular character traits–lowliness, gentleness, longsuffering, putting up with each other in love, working to keep unity and peace in the family of God.
Lowliness: (G5012) ταπεινοφροσύνη tapeinophrosunē which means a modest mind, humility, “Humility, lowliness of mind, the esteeming of ourselves small, inasmuch as we are so, the correct estimate of ourselves” (Word Study Dictionary). Thus, it is truth from the heart of humility.
Gentleness: (G4236) πρᾳότης praotēs which means gentleness, meekness instead of an aggressive attitude. “It is not the result of weakness, and in the third Beatitude it expresses not the passivity of the second Beatitude, but the activity of the blessedness that exists in one’s heart from being actively angry at evil. According to Aristotle, praótēs is that virtue that stands between two extremes, the orgilótēs (n.f.), uncontrolled and unjustified anger (see orgílos [G3711], quickly angry), and aorgisía (n.f.), not becoming angry at all no matter what takes place around you.” (Word Study Dictionary).
“Let’s define our terms. Longsuffering is a biblical term that refers to the ability to endure difficult circumstances without losing hope or faith. It is often used to describe God’s patience with humanity despite our many shortcomings. Patience, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to the ability to wait calmly and without complaint. It can also refer to the ability to tolerate or endure difficult situations, but it doesn’t carry the same connotation of hope and faith that longsuffering does.” (The Content Authority, “Longsuffering VS Patience).
(G3115) μακροθυμία makrothumia the idea of self-control when facing adversarial situations. Compare: James 5:10 (KJ3) My brothers, as an example of suffering ill, and of long-suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
Bearing, forbearing: (G430) ἀνέχομαι anechomai which means, “Spoken of persons, to bear with, have patience with in regard to the errors or weaknesses of anyone.” (Word Study Dictionary). This doesn’t mean tolerance for false doctrine, antiChristian lifestyles, abuse, etc.
Love: Lowliness, gentleness, longsuffering, and bearing up with are motivated and manifested with love.
Rather than arguing, promote peace. Peace without truth is a lie. Truth is reality. The truth about God and His beliefs are the foundation of any study of doctrine. Jesus is the cornerstone and the New Testament Apostles and prophets are the foundation. Jesus is the measure (cornerstone) of truth be it doctrine (beliefs), worldview, or lifestyle. The prophets and Apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote the Gospels, History, Epistles, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. A Christian who does not read and study the Bible is going to be deceived.