Brief notes on my translation of Romans 12:1.
Do Not Conform To the World’s Ways
1 I implore youp, brothers, by the compassions of God, that youp present yourselvesp as a holy, living sacrifice [which is] acceptable to God [and is] yourp rational service [to Him].
[We are not to sacrifice fleshly things as animals, etc. God is a spirit, and we are to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We are to sacrifice our fleshly lusts and to fulfill our spiritual desires (those desires which are in harmony with God’s desires as written about in Galatians 5:16-18. We are to reject the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). We are to seek and do the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). We are not to use our mind to further our knowledge of evil but use our mind to learn the ways of God—His worldview, lifestyle, rules, character, promises, etc. We are not to stop eating good food, fellowship with others, intimacy with our spouse, enjoying beauty, relaxing from stress, etc., but we are not to make those things our priority. Fruit of the spirit or fruit of the Spirit. If it is fruit of the spirit, then it is the fruit of our new spiritual birth responding to the graces of God in our life. If it is fruit of the Spirit, then it is the blessings that the Holy Spirit gives to live these fruits. Chrysostom writes on this passage: …what is “the reasonable service”? The [offerings made] through the soul; those made through the spirit. (“God,” it is said, “is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” — John 4:24); things which have no need of a body, no need of instruments, nor of special places, whereof each one is himself the Priest, such as, moderation, temperance, mercifulness, enduring ill-treatment, long-suffering, humbleness of mind (Homily 11 on Hebrews 6:13-16].