Paul now instructs Timothy about ordaining elders. He mentions some things to use wisdom as the candidates life and reputation. All can give us applications for our Christian life.
Ordain Carefully
22 Do not lay hands on anyone too hastily or be a partaker of other men’s sins. Keep yourselfs pure.
[Be careful whom we ordain. Credentials do not qualify a person, nor recommendations of famous Christians. We are to beware. Maybe all should be on probation before ordaining. Hasty ordination may lead to the ordaining group being held accountable by the Lord Jesus as an accessory to a crime. God wants us pure and blameless. Adam Clarke comments on this verse: It is a sin for any improper person to thrust himself into the sacred office; and he partakes of that sin who introduces, helps him forward, or sanctions him in it. O, what an account will rash, undiscerning [SIC], and prejudiced bishops, presbyters, and others, have to render to God for their ordinations! Their laying rash or careless hands “on skulls that cannot teach, and will not learn;” while probably they refuse inducting others well qualified for the Christian ministry].
For Your Health
23 Do not be a water drinker only but use a little wine for yours stomach’s sake and yours frequent illnesses.
[God commands against drunkenness, addictions, and casual use as in fishing parties, celebrations, etc. Lest us beware of our actions so we do not dishonor the Lord Jesus. Wine and drugs used as medicine are OK. Drugs would include analgesics (pain pills) and other medicines for diagnoses that warrant their use. Use of food, drink, or medicines that cloud the mind and judgment should be avoided and certainly so regarding casual use].
Good Deeds
24 Some people’s sins are obvious preceding into judgment, but for others [it is] later.
[This verse pertains to ordination of church leaders The Greek word for ‘obvious’ is (G4271) πρόδηλος pródēlos, which means something easily seen and known by all. These sins are not hidden; everyone knows about them. Some sins are obvious, and some are covered-up and hidden. Beware, Paul says to Timothy. Good advice for all of us. The teacher that we love and are loyal to might not be so holy after all. A little skepticism is good (Acts 17:11). Other pastoral candidates, pastors, and believers have sins that are covered-up, hidden, and follow the person wherever they go. The Greek word for ‘follow’ is G1872 ἐπακολουθέω epakoloutheo, which means following, coming after. In verse 10, it is used in the sense of ‘devoted.’ Here it is in the sense of judgment. They may hide it, but God will reveal it. In these types of sins, the congregation doesn’t know about it until later, if ever, but if it becomes known, then the pastor becomes disqualified and must be defrocked (1 Timothy 5:19-20). Matthew 18:15-20 outlines the teaching on church discipline, too. One should be careful in the matter of a pastor who has sinned against a woman (sexual, physical, verbal abuse, etc.) going alone to confront a pastor. When the Scriptures speak of a witness, it refers to a witness to the crime, not a witness for the victim’s safety when confronting a pastor, etc. of their crime].
25 In the same way, the good deeds [of some] are obvious and those [done] in other ways cannot be hidden.